Thumb sucking can be defined as placing the thumb at various dept of the mouth.CLASSIFICATION- 1) normal thumb sucking- normal during the first and second years of life.These habit seems to disappear when They mature2) Abnormal thumb sucking- when thumb sucking persist beyond the preschoola) psychologicalb) habitualSucking habits could be classified asA) Nutritive- eg breastfeeding, bottle feedingB) Non nutritive – thumb sucking or pacifierCLINICAL FINDINGS– increased proclamation of the maxillary incisorsIncreased maxillary lengthIncreased anterior placement of apical base of maxillaIncreased clinical crown of maxillaDecreased palatal arch widthIncreased atipical root resorption in primary central incisorsIncreased trauma to central incisorsRotated maxillary incisorsRetruded mandibleIncreased overjetDecreased overbiteIncreased posterior crossbiteIncreased lip incompetenceIncreased tongue thrustIncreased lower tongue positionRisk to psychological healthIncreased risk to poisoningIncreased risk to digit deformationIncreased risk of speech defectDIAGNOSIS INTRAORAL EXAMINATION-Tongue position during swallowing and at rest have to be notedEXTRA ORAL EXAMINATIONDigit- redness,clean chapped and with short nails,clean dishpan thumbUpper lip short and hypotonicCheck the profile , maxillary protrusion and mandibular retrusionMANAGEMENT-* Feed the child whenever hungry in a natural way +breastfeeding)Never let the habit to start it must be stopped at its inception*Psychological therapy – nagging ,scoldingBeta-hypothesis or Dulnops theory- if a child is forced to concentrate on the performance of act at the time of activity,they will stop performing the act*Chemical methods like- quinine, pepper and castor oil*Mechanical methods -thumb guard and appliances such as removable or fixed palatal cribOral screenHay rakesBlue Grass applianceQuad helixModified Blue Grass appliance Previous Post LOWER ANTERIOR REHABILITATION Next Post