Case History- Patient came with the complaint of mobile teeth on the lower anterior region
On examination- Grade 3 mobility seen irt 41, 42, 31, 32 Grade 2 mobility irt 33,34,35,43
Root stumps irt 44,45 missing 46, 47 and 36,37.
Completely collapsed bite due to missing posterior teeth.
Treatment done -Stage1:
RCT done in multiple visit i.r.t 33,34, 35 and 43, scaling and root planning done, FPD ( zirconium) placed irt 43-35
Extraction of the root stumps and immediate implant placement done irt 44 and 46.
Lower anterior rehabilitation done.
Stage 2: After 3-4months implant second stage will be done
#Emeralddental #Smileprotector