Food lodgement happens when we eat something and food particles get stuck in between our teeth which could not get dislodged either by rinsing or by the effort of our tongue. It can lead to irritation as it gives a feeling of foreign body stuck and our tongue constantly trying to reach that area and dislodge #EmeraldDental #foodlodgment#EmeraldDental #gumdisease #dentalabscess #Crownsandbridges #doctorsblog #periodontist #periodontal #smileprotector #kidsdentalcare #SmileOn#safetyfirstalways #Covid19India#Doctors #Medical #Smile #Perodontics #Orthodontics #DentalAnatomy #family #Pedodontics #Prosthodontic #oralPathology #oralmedicine #sensitive #dentalradiology #Endodontics #kids Previous Post LIFE WITH BRACES Next Post PYORRHEA IS GUM DISEASE WE ALL SHOULD KNOW ABOUT