YOU MAY HAVE TMD IF YOU SUFFER FROM…*Head.Recurring headaches .Head tension .Shooting pain up back of Head.Scalp painful to touch*Eye.Pain behind Eyes.Bloodshot EyesSensitive to sunlight*Jaw.Clicking or popping .Grating sounds.Pain in cheek muscles .Uncontrollable jaw movements *EarsHissing buzzing, or ringing .Decreased hearing .Ear pain with no infection .Clogged Itchy ears.Vertigo, dizziness *Mouth&Teeth.Discomfort.Bruxism or grinding .Jaw deviation .Locks shut or open*Throat.Difficulty swallowing.Frequent coughing or Throat cleaning .Feeling of foreign object in throat .Sore throat with no infection Temporomandibular disorder(TMD)is the paiband Compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscle.www.emeralddental.inEmeraldDental #Smileprotector #Temporomandibulardisorder Previous Post Next Post FISSURED TOUNGE!