What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?Gum disease is treatable, but it’s important to detect it early so that it can be stopped before it does irreversible damage. Here are some common symptoms of gum disease:1- Gums that bleed easily or are tender2- Red or swollen gums3- Sensitive teeth4- Consistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth5- Pain when chewing6- Loose teeth or teeth that look like they’re separating from one another7- A receding gum line8-A change in jaw or teeth alignmentIf you have recently started a new flossing routine, it is normal for gums to bleed a little. This should subside within a week or two. If the bleeding persists, contact your dentist. Gums are also more prone to tenderness or bleeding during pregnancy. Read more about dental care during pregnancy.#EmeraldDental #Smileprotector #Gumdisease #healthygum #Teethwhiteing #dentalabscess #Crownsandbridges #doctorsblog #periodontist Previous Post EATING WITH DENTURE Next Post GEOGRAPHIC TONGUE