Ludwig angina is an infection of the floor of the mouth under the tongue. It is due to a bacterial infection of the teeth or jaw.CausesLudwig angina is a type of bacterial infection that occurs in the floor of the mouth, under the tongue. It often develops after an infection of the roots of the teeth (such as tooth abscess) or a mouth injury.This condition is uncommon in children.Symptoms of Ludwig’s anginaThe symptoms include swelling of the tongue, neck pain, and breathing problems.Ludwig’s angina often follows a tooth infection or other infection or injury in the mouth.The symptoms include:pain or tenderness in the floor of your mouth, which is underneath your tonguedifficulty swallowingdroolingproblems with speechneck painswelling of the neckredness on the neckweaknessfatiguean earachetongue swelling that causes your tongue to push against your palatea feverchillsconfusionwww.emeralddental.inEmeraldDental #Smileprotector #Ludwigangina Previous Post SYMPTOMS OF DENTAL EROSION Next Post IMPACTED WISDOM TEETH