This will help to curb the spread people living in home is less likely to infect. Also other members of the household who are using the same washroom can be protected.
It also builds up bacteria on the toothbrush after a while. If mouthwash is not available, rinse with warm water. In addition, one must maintain oral hygiene and brush twice a day.
According to the World Health Organisation, the virus primarily spreads through tiny droplets that come out from an infected person’s mouth when they cough, sneeze, shout, talk, laugh etc.
People can get infected after touching surfaces that have been contaminated by the virus, and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth without cleaning their hands.
In January of this year, Brazilian researchers conducted a study to understand the effect of oral hygiene on the discussion of covid 19. The study recommended that disinfecting toothbrushes should be part of oral hygiene as it would help in mitigating infections.
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